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Leadership Minute Video: No Bad Teams; only Bad Leaders

By Andy Neillie | May 15, 2016

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To lead, you need to follow

By Andy Neillie | May 10, 2016

He worked for the firm for several years.  He was sharp, hard-working and an inspiring leader.  His team members were challenged to bring their best for him and our company, and they did a great job under him.


His fatal flaw: he couldn’t work well alongside and under other leaders.  He created and fostered an “us-vs-them” mentality.  After a while, despite his great strengths, his liabilities became too great.  He was pulling a different direction than the rest of the leadership team,

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Leadership Minute Video: Persistence

By Andy Neillie | May 8, 2016

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Leadership Minute Video: Character & Competence

By Andy Neillie | April 30, 2016

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What is leadership vision?

By Andy Neillie | April 25, 2016

What do you wish your team members were more passionate about?  Serving customers? Growing the organization?  Impacting their world?   According to Bill Hybels, “Vision is a picture of the future that produces passion in people.”  If we want our people to have passion, we need to have vision.  What are you casting vision about?  How are you doing so?

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Leadership Minute Video: Clarity as a leader

By Andy Neillie | April 22, 2016

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The One Leadership Necessity

By Andy Neillie | April 19, 2016

In the past seven years, we’ve built a sustainable multi-million-dollar franchise business. But not really. In the first two years, we made no money. (That’s not exactly true; I think our bookkeeper told me we made $17,000 our first 24 months in business.  Net. Total. Two highly motivated and relatively competent people hard at work and we weren’t making it. Definitely not enough to cover a mortgage. And car payments. And groceries.  You get the point.  

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Leadership Minute Video: Flexibility

By Andy Neillie | April 18, 2016

As a leader, do you struggle with flexibility?

Check out this Leadership Minute Video on

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Leadership Communication

By Andy Neillie | April 5, 2016

There is a continuum of communication: inform, persuade, manipulate, coerce. Effective leaders spend most of their communication efforts persuading. Managers inform, Leaders persuade, autocrats manipulate, dictators coerce.

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