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The Leader's Hour

The Leader’s Hour:

  • Prioritize prioritizing.
  • Begin with the end in mind.
  • Start slow to go fast.
  • Reflect for impact.
  • Start like no one else to end like no one else.

It doesn’t matter who the leader is, they all know the same thing: leaders must spend time on their own, ahead-of-time, deciding where to invest their influence.

I call it The Leader’s Hour. My best days are when I start on my own, engaging in several disciplines that prepare my heart and head for the day in front of me.

A time of mental and spiritual renewal, of reading and reflecting and ultimately of targeting my highest priorities for the hours ahead.

Remember, leader, because of the clamor and demands around you, as much as 60% of your day will end up being unplanned. Unless you start with your own version of The Leader’s Hour, the rest will be unproductive as well.